What is Human Design?

Don’t you wish sometimes there was a manual full of hints on how to be authentically you? 

  • How to work your own unique magic and your individual energy?

  • How to nurture yourself?

  • What to do when inspiration strikes?

  • How to make decisions when you feel stuck?

  • What your intuition is trying to tell you?

  • How to best communicate with friends, family, and coworkers so they understand you?

  • How to manage your energy while you’re trying to accomplish something?

  • How to know when something is or isn’t a good fit just by how you feel?

  • Or even how to answer the hardest question ever: “where do you want to go to eat”?!

Since birth, the world around us has had expectations on how we *should* operate, and constantly tells us who we *should* be. All those old idioms like “Just do it!” or “The early bird gets the worm” or “Go with your gut!”. It turns out this advice is all for a very small percentage of the population. We’ve all got individual ways to access and execute our own innate gifts. 

Human Design is essentially a “user guide” on how to work with your unique energetic blueprint. The system is a combination of old and new modalities:

Ancient Wisdom:

  • Astrology

  • I'Ching

  • Chakras

  • Kabbalah Tree of Life

Contemporary Science:

  • Quantum Mechanics

  • Astronomy

  • Genetics

  • Biochemistry

This combination of modalities and science creates a self-awareness tool that teaches us how we're designed to utilize our energy, interact with the world around us.

Your personal Human Design chart (calculated using your birth date, time, and location) gives you specific information on your gifts, energy, motivations, wisdom, vulnerabilities & more. Your chart  teaches you how you are uniquely designed to utilize your energy, interact with the world, and work with your inner guidance system. It provides you with the practical tools to live in alignment.

Learning and applying the principles of your unique chart can help you let go of conditioning and patterns that are not serving you, and allow more ease, flow and trust into your life. If you love meaning-making systems like myers-briggs, and enneagram, but also can’t pass up checking your horoscope app every day, Human Design might be for you!

Want to learn more? Book your Human Design Chart reading here!

Danielle DeWine