Good Vibes Hive

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Using Your Human Design As A Business Owner

We’ve all got individual ways to access and execute our own innate gifts, and so do our businesses.

If you’ve ever taken a course, read a business book, worked with a coach, or listened to a podcast and thought “I just don’t see that working for me.” or followed everything they said and were met with disappointing results, it’s probably because they were telling you what works for them, not you! Understanding your Human Design as a business owner can a transformational tool that helps unlock the true potential of your business, no matter what you do!

Within your chart you can discover things like:

  • How to work your own unique magic and your individual energy within your business.

  • Your life’s work and branding energy.

  • What sets you apart from your competition.

  • What is your Why?

  • Your core message and authentic communication style.

  • Your zone of genius.

  • Should you niche or not?

  • Why your audience wants to support you.

  • How to use your design and your businesses’ design in an actionable way.

We’ve all got individual ways to access and execute our own innate gifts, and so do our businesses!

I’ve been using my Design in my business for 5 years! I am a Manifestor (like only 8-9% of the population!) I know I am meant to be a trailblazer and visionary (Like other Manifestor Gloria Steinem!) The things I am here to do have probably never been done, so comparing myself to other people is a huge disservice. I make myself available for bursts of inspiration by making sure I’m not filling every moment in my schedule. I allow my energy to repel opportunities that aren’t meant for me by being my bold, unapologetic self! I know rejection is a gift. I also know being interrupted or micromanaged are my biggest pet peeves, so I build my business to avoid these things! As a Manifestor my Strategy is “To Inform”. I use my voice to cut through obstacles by informing others of my actions, so that I don’t have to stop and explain myself when I’m in my creative flow. I live like a train conductor, always announcing where I’m going so that those who want to reach the same destination can follow me! That’s why regularly posting on social media about my offerings has made me so successful! I pay attention to when my Not Self Theme “anger” shows up. When I’m angry about something in my business I ask “Where a I holding myself back/what is interrupting my flow?”. And that’s just a small amount of the helpful, actionable information I use from my chart!

Not only am I an experienced Human Design chart reader, I know what it’s like to run a successful business. Before my time as a small business owner, I was the general manager of a salon that I helped grow from one location to four in the span of 8 years. Since leaving that position to start my own business, the Good Vibes Hive, I’ve grown the Hive from a small 200 sq ft loft, to a profitable multi-room boutique and doubled my salary from my previous job in the span of 5 years! I know what it’s like to love something so much work doesn’t feel like work, and I also know how it feels to question everything you’re doing and want to give up. Plus, I use Human Design in my business every day!

Want to learn more about incorporating the aspects of your chart into you business?