Good Vibes Hive

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Understanding Your Human Design Type: Reflector

Your design type is arguably the most important aspect of your Human Design is your energy type. There are five energy types in Human Design: Generator, Manifesting Generator, Manifestor, Projector, and Reflector. You can think of the energy types kind of like astrological signs, or enneagrams.

Your energy type indicates how you’re supposed to interact with the world energetically.

Hey Reflector!

Reflectors are the rarest Human Design type (making up only 1-2% of the planet!). You are here to be the true mirrors of society, with the greatest potential for wisdom out of all the types. You reflect back to society where it needs improvement, if a Reflector is struggling, their community should look for opportunities where they can better support everyone. You are extremely valuable in groups and societal structures because of your ability to gauge the wellbeing and progress within the collective. 

Reflectors are the chameleons of the planet, because they have no defined energy centers, they take on the energy of the environment around them and can adapt themselves to anyone or any place. But because they’re also the most sensitive Human Design types, they need to be selective with the people and environment they choose to surround themselves with, and need LOTS of solo time to reset. 

Curate your environment by how you want to feel. You know that saying “You’re the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with?” That’s truest for Reflectors. Who do you want to become more like? 

Strategy: Wait One Lunar Cycle

In HD, “strategy” is the way each type’s aura is designed to move throughout the world and interact with others.

The strategy of the Reflector is to wait a lunar cycle before making a decision, because you don’t have any definition in their bodygraph, you don’t have an authority like the other Human Design  types. 

Signature: Surprise

In HD, your “signature” is your energetic system’s way of communicating when you are in alignment (alignment=following your strategy and authority).

Reflectors feel surprise, or a sense of fulfillment in discovering what is unique and beautiful in the world around us. There is a joyful brightness to it.

Not Self Theme: Disappointment 

In HD, your “not self theme” is your energetic system’s way of communicating when something is not in alignment with you. It is a way to alert you with a feeling when something is “off” or not for you.

Reflectors feel disappointment  in people, in organizations, in the environment around you, and the world in general. It can feel like the beauty, specialness and vitality of the world is being lost.