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Understanding Your Human Design Type: Manifesting Generator

Your design type is arguably the most important aspect of your Human Design is your energy type. There are five energy types in Human Design: Generator, Manifesting Generator, Manifestor, Projector, and Reflector. You can think of the energy types kind of like astrological signs, or enneagrams.

Your energy type indicates how you’re supposed to interact with the world energetically.

Hey Manifesting Generator!

Manifesting Generators are the multi hyphenated, multi passionate people who are here to accomplish many diverse things. When living in alignment you are superhuman! You can both initiate (Generator energy) AND make something happen (Manifestor energy). Your main obstacle is to drop the conditioning that you have to work in a linear way, and lose the fear of being thought of as flakey, or all over the place.

You are meant to move in an expansive way, nothing you’re interested in is a waste of time; it is either a skill or a lesson. Your path to success is not one thing. Manifesting Generators often keep themselves stuck in something because they don’t want to seem flakey.

You are meant to be spontaneous and playful, life is about following your bliss, the present moment is perfectly designed for Manifesting Generators. Do not try to fit things you feel inspired to do into a narrative. Your life path usually will not make sense on the way, but in hindsight everything always aligns. 

You are here to teach people what is possible for human beings. Manifesting Generators are the visionaries and influencers of the world. You are here to be limitless thinkers and inspire others. You can’t wait for the rest of the world to catch up to you. Don’t let fear of change stop you, you are here to redefine change. 

Some of your challenges include:

-Other people will pick up on how capable you are, and may try to ask a lot of you.

-You will quickly burn out if you say “yes” to too many things your gut told you to say “no” to.

-You have a tendency to say “yes” to things in the present moment, and then change your mind later. Eliminate committing to too much future plans. Give yourself grace to change your mind.

-Tendency to self-sacrifice, doing things for other people makes you happy, but you can easily be taken advantage of, often unintentionally, if you don’t have good boundaries.

Strategy: To Respond

In HD, “strategy” is the way each type’s aura is designed to move throughout the world and interact with others.

Manifesting Generators living in alignment (following your Strategy and Authority) are meant to respond to what makes you feel energized, invigorated, or enthusiastic! You are ruled by your gut feelings. Manifesting Generators have an “on'' reaction that starts your energy flow, and an “off” reaction, which makes you feel devoid of energy. Listen to your “gut” reactions. If you find yourself overthinking things, you’re not in your Strategy. If you can’t rationalize *why* you want to do something, that’s a good sign (it means your response is coming from your gut, not you mind).

Manifesting Generators do best with yes/no and this/or that options. Think of the Universe as your personal buffet, explore curiously and break every decision down to “You could have this OR that”. Treat your gut decisions like a muscle that you need to build over time, starting with small decisions and working your way up. When making big decisions you should always go with your gut.

Signature: Satisfaction

In HD, your “signature” is your energetic system’s way of communicating when you are in alignment (alignment=following your strategy and authority).

Manifesting Generators feel satisfied when they’re living in alignment and honoring their energy and desires, or that your energy has been spent well and efficiently. 

Manifesting Generators create a bunch of energy in their defined sacral centers. They won’t feel quite right unless all that energy is used efficiently. Manifesting Generators know they’re on the right track if they gain a sense of satisfaction from most of the things they do during the day.

Not Self Theme: Frustration

In HD, your “not self theme” is your energetic system’s way of communicating when something is not in alignment with you. It is a way to alert you with a feeling when something is “off” or not for you.

Manifesting Generators feel frustrated when they’re not living in alignment. When frustration shows up you have probably said yes to too many things, or feel like your energy isn’t being used efficiently or effectively. There’s nothing a Manifesting Generator hates more than feeling like you wasted energy! This can also show up as feelings of stuck/stagnant, uninspired, or “blah”.