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Understanding Your Human Design: Manifestors

Your design type is arguably the most important aspect of your Human Design is your energy type. There are five energy types in Human Design: Generator, Manifesting Generator, Manifestor, Projector, and Reflector. You can think of the energy types kind of like astrological signs, or enneagrams.

Your energy type indicates how you’re supposed to interact with the world energetically.

Hey Manifestor!

Manifestors are the trailblazers and visionaries of the world! You are here to create movements, whether intentionally or not. You are fully equipped to initiate, launch, and start things without an invitation. With the largest aura of all the Human Design types, your energy can’t help but be felt when you enter the room. Your aura is selective, so you will attract some and repel others. Although it can often feel like rejection or disapproval from others, this is the Universe doing you a favor! Think of it as a way of automatically “sifting” through energies that don’t align with the Manifestors! When you are living in alignment as a Manifestor, (aka: living your truth, following your urges, and being unapologetic) the right people will gravitate towards you, and the wrong people won’t like or “get” you, and stay out of your way.

“Manifesting” energy simply means that you do not have to wait for a collaboration/invitation from the Universe in order to act. It is an impulsive energy not driven by anything but the Divine expressing itself through you. A big part of living in alignment as a Manifestor is cherishing and honoring these impulses because they are rare and special. (Urge vs Preference: an urge seemingly comes out of nowhere, and may not immediately make sense/hard to fit into a narrative at first. Everything else is a preference.) 

Rest is SUPER important for Manifestors, if you’re constantly doing and filling your schedule, you have no chance to receive Divine urges. Make yourself free and available for internal urges as often as possible. Your energy works best in short, intense bursts, then lots of rest. You can achieve more in a few hours than the other HD types can achieve in one day. You are not meant for “9-5’s”.

Historically, Manifestors have run the world. Most success advice/self help is written for and by Manifestor energy. Past Manifestors wanted to rise to the top, rule the world, and use the other HD types energy for their own benefit. (Famous Manifestors that give you a bad name include: Valimir Putin, Adolf Hitler, and Mao Zedong….yikes.) Because of this, many Manifestors have a subconscious fear of harming or taking advantage of others. 

Most current Manifestors would just prefer to be left alone, NEVER micromanaged, and not having to wait or ask permission before making things happen. This aligned, positive Manifestor energy is capable of starting energetic movements, stirring things up and initiating social changes. (Famous Manifestors that have inspired include: Gloria Steinem, Maya Angelou,and  Al Gore)

Strategy: Inform

In HD, “strategy” is the way each type’s aura is designed to move throughout the world and interact with others.

Manifestors use their voice to cut through and move obstacles (like mindsets, beliefs, power structures, both internally and externally). Informing others of your actions eases the fears and anxieties of people around you, clearing your path of obstacles. Informing others of your actions before taking them, also helps eliminate the possibility of having your precious flow of intense bursts of energy interrupted (a Manifestors worst nightmare!) because you won’t have to stop and explain yourself.

Signature: Peace

In HD, your “signature” is your energetic system’s way of communicating when you are in alignment (alignment=following your strategy and authority).

Manifestors feel peace when they are in alignment. It also shows up as serenity, flow, and freedom from resistance. 

Manifestors are meant to act on their urges, which are inexplicable desires to do something. In order to feel peaceful, manifestors have to let themselves envision and then create the lives of their dreams.

Not Self Theme: Anger

In HD, your “not self theme” is your energetic system’s way of communicating when something is not in alignment with you. It is a way to alert you with a feeling when something is “off” or not for you.

Manifestors feel anger when they are out of alignment, or when their natural flow is impeded. It can also show up as irritation or annoyance. A Manifestor who ignores or suppresses their urges will probably have some pent-up anger.

Want to learn more about your Human Design? Book your own personal reading to discover your unique design here!