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Uncover the Human Design of Iconic Activist and Famous Manifestor Gloria Steinem

Discover the inner workings of Gloria Steinem's powerful social activism and her approach to life through her unique Manifestor human design profile. Dive in and explore this famous Manifestor now!

Deepening your understanding of Human Design by taking a look at famous people’s charts is such a fun way to learn more, especially when you yourself share the design type of the famous person! I (author Dani Sage) happen to share the same Human Design type with someone I really admire: activist and Manifestor Gloria Steinem!

Gloria Steinem is a famous Manifestor who has dedicated her life to the fight for gender equality, equal access to resources and choice, education, and health care. By studying her human design type, we can better understand the inner workings of her powerful activism and gain insights into how she lives her life with purpose.

Get to Know the Manifestor Profile

Manifestors make up approximately 8% of the world's population, making them a rare breed. Much like Gloria Steinem, Manifestors are known for their entrepreneur-like qualities and often possess strong leadership skills. The actions of one Manifestor is enough to initiate change. Manifestors' purpose is to begin projects; they are creative visionaries who need to be in control of their situation and tend to remain independent.

Explore the Gifts of the Manifestor

While Manifestors have the ability to initiate projects and start conversations, they also possess special gifts that are implicit in their design, like the capacity to act with confidence and chart a course of their own. Additionally, they’re able to shut out any opinions that don’t align with their mission in life - a defining trait of many powerful activists like Gloria Steinem. Exploring and understanding these implicit gifts can shed light on how powerful Manifestors live and move through the world - and offer lessons for unlocking your own personal power.

But don’t forget, no one is supposed to go at it alone, especially the Human Design types who are considered “non-energy types” like Manifestors. Gloria Steinem was able to enact change because she had the power to organize and get other people involved for the greater good.

Understand Your Unique Strategy as a Manifestor

As a Manifestor, it’s important to unlock the energy of your divine urges and use them as fuel for making daring decisions and using your strategy (to inform) by leading powerful conversations. Uncovering your gifts as a Manifestor can also provide insight into how you can strategically plan ahead and harness the power of yourself and your relationships to create positive change in the world. Embrace your unique strategy for activism and discover new ways to bring about impactful social changes.

Manifestors can use your innate activation authority to initiate conversations and take action on new projects. When faced with an opportunity to bring about change, you can courageously move forward and seek the support of those around you. Activate conversations that are meaningful for yourself and others and be unafraid to tackle challenging topics in order to create social empowerment. Seek ways to inspire bravery in others and share your story authentically so others can learn from your wisdom.

Embrace Your Deeply Creative Nature as a Manifestor

Like Manifestor Gloria Steinem, your deeply creative nature helps to give rise to new ideas and facilitate conversations around difficult topics. Leverage your voice to amplify the changes you wish to see in the world and become an influential leader. Have no fear in challenging the status quo and be ready to respond quickly when presented with an opportunity for growth. Utilize your strong ambition and creative insights to create positive change on both individual and collective levels.

Want to learn more about Manifestors or human design in general? Check out more posts here!

Ready to learn about your own Human Design Chart? I’ve got you covered here!